The Source Filmmaker is LIVE!

July 10, 2012 - SFM Team

Thanks for your patience, everybody! And a really big thanks to our first round of testers, who were instrumental in helping us make the SFM a better user experience.

They were SO helpful, in fact, that we're happy to announce that SFM Beta is now open to everyone, for free, as of right now. We've also provided a new SFM-specific page in the Steam Community where you can view, rate and discuss all the latest user-created videos.

Plus, just so we don't all overdose on "Meet The Heavy" shorts, we've decided to release a new session, to give all you folks something new to riff on. So get out your guitar (and some audio recording equipment) and prepare to "Meet The Engineer".

You can download the Source Filmmaker here on Steam.

The SFM Blog

Here we'll be sharing news, tips and tricks about all things relating to our storytelling tool, the Source Filmmaker. Because it�s the tool we use here at Valve to create our own movies, we will be adding features as we need them and then sharing them with everyone through Steam. You can join our official Steam Group to stay up-to-date with all the latest SFM news.

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